Friday, October 11


Here are some things that – according to my students – are impossible:

1, Being a mermaid
2, Living on the sun
3, Flying
4, Never going to school
5, Getting a 10 in Biology
6, Studying medicine
7, Sucking your elbow

Are they actually impossible?
How could they be achieved?
Which would be the easiest / hardest to achieve?

Thursday, October 10

Tuesday, October 8


A Pangram is a sentence that includes every letter of the alphabet. For example: The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

Can you make one? Can you make one in the past tense?

Sunday, October 6


Remember: Every day I go to work is an absolute privilege. Because teaching and learning alongside kids is amazing.

Drawing by Sandra

Friday, October 4

Recipe for Happiness

A poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Try your own recipe for happiness: Start each sentence with One...