Monday, June 17

Sunday, June 16


All these things are of a similar colour:

the sun

highlighter pen
NY taxi

Sponge Bob

Choose one group of three and:

1, Say three things you know about one of the words?
2, Are any things in the list that are sometimes not yellow?
3, How are some things similar in each group of three?
4, Which one is the odd one out and why in each group? Why?
5, Which ones are useful / positive for you?
6, When was the last time you experienced one of them?

Yellow. Words from my students.

Thursday, June 13


Here is a wordlist:

1, bomb
2, headache
3, plane
4, window
5, cloud
6, shark
7, road sign
8, hospital
9, lunch
10, tree

Can you match a word above to the most appropriate emotion below?
Can you explain how the same word could be used with the other emotions?

Emotions: anger, fear, happiness, satisfaction, worry

Example: The obvious choice for shark is fear but what about a situation where there is happiness related to shark?

Drawing by Claudia

Wednesday, June 12

What is a Grade?

" inadequate report of an inaccurate judgment by a biased and variable judge of the extent to which a student has attained an undefined level of mastery of an unknown proportion of an indefinite material"

Paul Dressel (1983)

Sunday, June 9

Speed Sentence

Make a 7 word sentence...

1, where the only vowel used is E
2, where there is no E in any word
3, where each word starts with the letter B
4, with words that start with vowels only
5, with words that are 3 letters long
6, where each word has the letters in order: A B C D E F G
7, where each word has the number of letters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8, where each word has the number of syllables: 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
9, where each word contains the letter S
10, where each word finishes with S, T or D

Characters in BOLD subject to change

Saturday, June 8

Speed Words

Think of 7 words... 

1, that start with HE...
2, that end in SS
3, that contain double LL
4, with the structure: S + vowel + vowel + consonant
5, of 4-letters that start with N...
6, words that start and end in the same letter
7, related to fruit / veg that start with P...
8, that are adjectives and start with T...
9, that are written in alphabetical order
10, verbs that have 2 syllables

Characters in bold subject to change.

Drawing by Álvaro

Thursday, June 6

Wednesday, June 5

Revision Categories

Using all the categories below think of a word with a given starting letter.
The same letter could be used for all the categories (no repeating of words)
or a random letter for each one.

1, Hello! I am from _____
2, a 6 letter word
3, In this town there is a/an _____ 
4, Contains a double letter (example LL or SS)
5, I have _____ here for 5 years 
6, _____y (must finish in Y)
7, ? + vowel + vowel + consonant
8, A Phrasal verb
9, French is not as _____ as English
10, I don't have much _____
11, _____ness
12, My ____ escaped and we can't find it

Example with the letter P:

1, Peru
2, Plough
3, Pub
4, Pill

Tuesday, June 4

Word Squares

A good one for those that finish fast or look bored.
Draw a 3 x 3 square. Place a letter in diagonally as in the example below.

N _ _ 
N _ 
_ _ N 

and then complete with words...

N O T 

If thats too easy make the grid 4x4, 5x5 and so on

Think of a 3 letter word and place it in the grid to make words

H _ _
E _
_ _ Y

Monday, June 3


A sentence that goes around the class / group.
Person one says the first word of the sentence
Person two repeats the first word then says the second word
Person three repeats words one and two and adds a third (grammatically correct of course)
and so on around the group until we feel the sentence is finished.

Example in a group of 8
I asked them to do a conditional:

Person 1: If
Person 2: If I
Person 3: If I see
Person 4: If I see you
Person 5: If I see you tomorrow
Person 6: If I see you tomorrow I
Person 7: If I see you tomorrow I will
Person 8: If I see you tomorrow I will give
Person 1: If I see you tomorrow I will give it
Person 2: If I see you tomorrow I will give it to
Person 3: If I see you tomorrow I will give it to you