Tuesday, February 25


How could the things on the list below be incomplete?

a window
a garden
a movie
a lamp
a guitar
a wedding
a mobile phone
a bee
a ship
a website
a bottle

A window without glass
a garden without grass
(it doesn't have to rhyme but it could)

Look around you at some of the objects. How might they be incomplete?

Here were my classes ideas. I have removed the rhyming word for you to guess.

a farm without grass
a window without _____
a lamp without a light
a movie without a _____
a guitar without strings
a wedding without _____
a mobile without a screen
a valley without the colour _____
Monopoly without money
bees without _____
bottles without caps
mobile phones without _____
a ship without a rudder
a pencil case without a _____
a pen without ink
a website without a ____ 

Monday, February 24


Do you eat toast?
If not, what do you eat instead?
If yes, when do you eat toast?
How do you like bread to be toasted? (see image)
What do you like putting on toast?

Image source: https://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/

Sunday, February 23


All these things are of a similar colour:

1, bubble gum | candy floss | a grapefruit

2, a pig | a flamingo | The Pink Panther

3, ballet shoes | a tongue | lungs

Choose a group of three and:

1, Say three things you know about one of the words
2, Are there any things that are sometimes not pink?
3, What things are similar about them?
4, Which is the odd one out? Why?
5, Which ones are useful / positive for you?
6, When was the last time you experienced one of them?

Drawing by Alicia

Saturday, February 22

Odd One Out

A) Which word in each number is different from the others and why?

Can you explain using the word in (brackets)?

1, February April, Monday (however)
2, cat, dog, turtle (but)
3, dolphin, shark, elephant (on the other hand)
4, aubergine, carrot, strawberry (neither)
5, Spain, Italy, Argentina (although)
6, ear, nose, feet (the difference)
7, knife, fork, teaspoon (both)
8, coffee, hot chocolate, lemonade (whereas)
9, doctor, teacher, student (unlike)

Example: February and April are months however, Monday is a day of the week.

B) Which word in each number is different from the others and why?

This time think of a reason why any of the four words could be the different one.

1, lake, pond, river, sea
2, Art, Maths, English, P.E
3, London, New York, Paris, Sydney
4, bus, car, motorbike, train
5, helicopter, plane, rocket, kite
6, bear, fox, tiger, wolf
7, Arabic, English, Spanish, Mandarin
8, gloves, jeans, shoes, socks
9, dream, read, sleep, sleepwalk

Thursday, February 20


'A ditloid is a type of word puzzle, in which a phrase, quotation, date, or fact must be deduced from the numbers and abbreviated letters in the clue. Common words such as 'the', 'in', 'a', 'an', 'of', 'to', etc. are not normally abbreviated.' - Wikipedia.

How many can you get

365 D in a Y = 365 days in a year

1, 24 H in a D
2, 26 L in the A
3, 60 M in an H
4, 12 M in the Y
5, 7 D in a W
6, 11 P in a F T
7, 64 S on a C B
8, 18 H on a G C
9, 8 T on an O
10, I have 1 B and 1 S

Wednesday, February 19

Rain Moistens the Soil

It's raining again
It's raining cats and dogs
It's raining again
and I can't go out and play
I am bored

It's raining again
the clouds are grey
sometimes black
water is falling and it's damp
houses are

It's raining again
the streets are empty and it's cold
Inside, my dad is

It's raining again
It drives my mum crazy
because she can't put out the

This is good
because I don't have to help.


Drawing by Junior 4 2019/2020

Tuesday, February 18


The word is breakfast

Make some sentences – perhaps using some grammar you've learnt recently – using the word breakfast.

Some efforts from my class placed into verse:


I always have to eat breakfast
(even if I'm late for school)
Today I have had breakfast
What about you?

We should eat breakfast every day
or we will die
Yesterday my mum was going to prepare the breakfast
but the phone rang

So I had ice cream


Monday, February 17


Shimpei Takahashi shares a simple word game anyone can play to generate new ideas. (Ted Talk in Japanese with English subtitles.)

Drawing by Amalia

Sunday, February 16

Almond Appreciation

A classic test of creativity. Complete the drawings below with your own ideas. Higher praise is awarded for detail, humour or fantasy. To present the drawing: I have drawn... In this picture... This picture shows... 

Saturday, February 15

Unconditional Love

First make a list of five to ten objects or places and then complete the sentence below with your own ideas. Look at the examples from my classes to see how it's done.

1, If I were ___ you'd be ___

If I were a book you'd be the words
If I were a dance you'd be my moves
If I were a beach you'd be the sea
If I were a mountain you'd be my gravity

If I were a song you'd be the lyrics
If I were the trees you'd be the forest
If I were a chicken you'd be the potatoes
If I were a cliff you'd be my

Drawing by Guillermo

Friday, February 14


What I love about ___ 

Generate a list of objects, people and actions you love then complete the sentence above with your own ideas. Here are some examples from my class to help. 

Lower Level Love

What I love about my grandma
is her cooking

What I love about my computer
is it’s really fast

What I love about summer
is not going to school

What I love about cats
is they are so cute and furry

Advanced Love

What I love about my mobile phone
is its staggeringly-biblical capability

What I love about Tik Tok
is peoples absolutely amazing creativity

What I love about thin-crust pizza
is its emotional support

What I love about fries is they go well with everything
and are extremely versatile

Drawing by LucĂ­a G

Friday, February 7

The New Rose - by Spike Milligan

 The new rose

trembles with early beauty The babe sees the beckoning carmine the tiny hand clutches the cruel stem The babe screams The rose is silent Life is already telling lies.

Drawing by Blanca

Thursday, February 6

Advice Bureau

What advice would a ____ (animal, object, place) give to its offspring?
Think of 3 or 4 things.

Monday, February 3


something out loud.