Saturday, March 30
The Rule of 3
Tuesday, March 26
Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but have different meanings and spellings.
example: for and four
Here is a list of homophones. Can you think of a word you can pair it with?
2, sale
3, meat
4, here
5, die
6, break
7, flour
8, right
9, weather
Monday, March 25
All these things are of a similar colour:
Sunday, March 24
A Homograph is a word that is spelled the same but has a different meaning.
Can you think of two meanings for these?
1, fly
2, light
3, can
4, bat
5, present
6, second
7, kind
8, park
9, ring
10, saw
Can you make a sentence using both words
For example: for three seconds he was in second place.
Now can you work out any of these from the two meanings?
1, genre of music / a stone
2, to bend at the waist / the front of a boat
3, stress or emphasis / a manner of speaking
4, to pair similar items / a small stick for making a fire
5, happy or satisfied / all that is contained in something
6, correct / direction opposite of left
7, part of body / to return
8, a trees outer layer / the sound a dog makes
9, hot, arid region / to leave
10, Rip something up / water falling from your eye
Here is a great Homograph application made by Byrdseed.
Saturday, March 23
Linking Park
while, in case, after, unless, if, when, before, until, since
2, Link the sentences: Level 2.
2, I like this. I like that
3, She had to do it all again. She never studies.
4, She studies hard. She gets good grades.
5, We could do this. We could do that.
6, I like a lot of sports. I like football. I like tennis. I like basketball.
7, We went for a walk. It was raining.
8, Turn on the laptop. Enter the password. Open the Platform.
9, I don’t like this and I don’t like that. I don’t like anything.
Friday, March 22
If I Could Write Words – Spike Milligan
Like leaves on an autumn forest floor
What a bonfire my letters would make
If I could speak words of water
You would drown when I said
I love you
Thursday, March 21
I remember ___
What nature
What tastes and smells
Monday, March 18
They _____ to the park on Saturdays.
They take their two dogs to the park on Saturdays. (4 points)
Sunday, March 17
All these things are of a similar colour:
Friday, March 15
Who is the speaker in each of these sentences?
And who is being spoken to?
2, 'Is there a tourist office near here?'
3, 'You must train harder'
4, 'I'll have the steak, please'
5, 'You are not allowed to speak during the exam.'
6, 'I've never seen him before in my life.'
7, 'I left it at my grandparents house.'
8, 'Do you know how this started?'
9, 'Where are we?'
Thursday, March 14
Life of Pi
For example: The sentence would start with a 3-letter word then a 1-letter word, 4-letter word, 1-letter word, 5-letter word and so on related to the number 3.14159265
Wednesday, March 13
Family Tree
Write down the name of three members of your family.
(a brother, a cousin, a grandmother etc.)
1, Who's _____?
2, How old are they?
3, What do they look like?
5, What do they like doing in their free time?
6, Do you get on with them?
Tuesday, March 12
On The Road
It was a trip i'll never forget ____
Monday, March 11
Sunday, March 10
All these things are of a similar colour:
Saturday, March 9
Eight Ways with Meatballs
What words
What people
What feelings
What nature
What actions
What sounds
What numbers
What sights
Thursday, March 7
The Power of the Tree
The word is tree
The Tree
A: I have bought a tree
I sat under the tree yesterday
You should look at the tree
because it has beautiful flowers
The tree is going to grow
You should draw the tree
B: I have eaten the tree