A sentence that goes around the class / group.
Person one says the first word of the sentence
Person two repeats the first word then says the second word
Person three repeats words one and two and adds a third (grammatically correct of course)
and so on around the group until we feel the sentence is finished.
Example in a group of 8
I asked them to do a conditional:
Person 1: If
Person 2: If I
Person 3: If I see
Person 4: If I see you
Person 5: If I see you tomorrow
Person 6: If I see you tomorrow I
Person 7: If I see you tomorrow I will
Person 8: If I see you tomorrow I will give
Person 1: If I see you tomorrow I will give it
Person 2: If I see you tomorrow I will give it to
Person 3: If I see you tomorrow I will give it to you